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April B.

she/her • majoring in Psychology • class of 2023


When evaluating whether a mentor would be a good match for your student keep in mind that the greatest leading indicator of success is how well a mentor and their mentee get along.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Would the student find this person inspiring?
  • Do they share any interests, hobbies, or lived experiences?


2017 - 2023 • Stanford UniversityStanford, California
2013 - 2017 • Westlake High SchoolThousand Oaks, California
I’ve been a Curious Cardinals mentor since February 2023I am passionate about mentoring students in the areas of History, Literature, Global Health, Women & Gender Studies, World Cultures, Current Events, Essay Writing, Creative Writing & Poetry, Spanish, Reading, History, Creative Writing, Executive Function, College Essay Writing, Academic Coaching, Race & Ethnicity, Psychology, and Literary Analysis.


April is a recent graduate of Stanford University who majored in Psychology and minored in Human Rights and Spanish and is currently studying in Madrid on a Fulbright Research Grant. Growing up in the suburbs of LA and attending public schools her whole life, April has always been a dedicated teacher, tutor, and mentor. In high school she tutored math and english, coached volleyball, and led initiatives advocating for the rights of students with special needs. She graduated as Valedictorian of her class of over 600 students with local service and academic related scholarships to attend Stanford, where she she continued pursuing activities that championed access and inclusion. Among other service related activities, at Stanford April worked as a peer counselor to neurodiverse students and students struggling with mental health and manned phone hotlines for Spanish speakers apprehended in detention centers. Largely thanks to a grant she received in 2018 to conduct inter-generational interviews with Holocaust Survivors in Amsterdam, she is an advocate for culturally and trauma informed health care and the rights of refugee children and families. She worked at various research labs at Stanford including the Global Health Team for the Muslim Mental Health Lab in the School of Medicine, the YouthLAB and the STEP Program in the School of Education, and as a personal research assistant to prominent psychologist Dr. Claude Steele. April is cited as co-author on two papers that are currently in the process of publication. While she is proud of her academic accomplishments, she cites her loftiest achievement as coming in second place in Stanford Intramural Beach Volleyball and first place in an unofficial spike ball tournament organized by her friends. As of now, April is living in Madrid conducting qualitative self-directed research in Spanish on the cultural and religious identities of second generation Moroccan Muslim women and spends her free time working with Spanish nonprofits. She also has made it her personal mission to be the best tour guide to friends and family who visit. She feels confident she has perfected the 1-5 day “Madrid Sampler”. Inclusion, access, exploration, and fun are at the core of her teaching and learning values. She is excited to share her knowledge of spanish, inclusive healthcare, academic writing and research, and application processes.

Watch April B. break down a subject they’re passionate about.


Our mentorship sessions happen virtually over Zoom. It’s important to get a sense of how someone’s personality can come through on a video call. The best way to ensure your student is excited about learning is to have someone on the other side that they look forward to talking to.

What advice would you give your middle or high school self?

Who is your greatest role model/mentor?

~besides my parents~ Hatshepsut (if you don't know, look her up!!)

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in your lifetime?

Beating my older brother in arm wrestling

What is something you are extremely proud of?


Kalina Nikolova

Kalina Nikolova

We love working with CC! We have had 2 mentors already and now looking to add a third mentor - each focusing on various aspects of College applications prep. There are many wonderful things about the mentors - their skills and interests are matched to what we need, mentors are extremely knowledgeable and committed to the student's success, very organized, clear on goals and what was accomplished (notes from each session); and probably one of the most important aspects - they "speak the student's language" and truly built a connection with my daughter! Highly recommend and have been referring many friends and colleagues. Thank you CC!