Katharine S. (IN A NUTSHELL)
Katharine, a member of the Stanford class of 2025, is a humanities enthusiast and lover of languages. She graduated Cum Laude from Trinity, New York in 2020 and is eager to cultivate a passion for history, writing and languages in students during her time at Stanford.
At her high school, Trinity, Katharine was captain of the Model Congress team and served as Editor-in-Chief of both the political and entertainment publications. Katharine was furthermore a three-year tutor and head of the French section of Trinity Modern Language Tutors, a group that meets weekly with Middle School students to provide tutoring services in modern languages. In addition to graduating Cum Laude, Katharine was a three-time recipient of an award given annually to the top three students in each class and won prizes for excellence in History, English, and Latin Poetry. She is also a dedicated runner and served as captain of Trinity’s Indoor and Outdoor Track team from 11th-12th grade and competed at the national level.
Passionate about languages, Katharine has studied both French and Latin and completed an independent study in Hieroglyphics and Middle Egyptian during her senior year. She also is beginning to learn Arabic at Stanford and hopes to pick up German! Katharine is furthermore a major humanities nerd and loves discussing, researching, and writing about historical events and literature.