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Sofia T.

majoring in Bioengineering • class of 2025


When evaluating whether a mentor would be a good match for your student keep in mind that the greatest leading indicator of success is how well a mentor and their mentee get along.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Would the student find this person inspiring?
  • Do they share any interests, hobbies, or lived experiences?


- 2025 • Stanford UniversityStanford, California
I am passionate about mentoring students in the areas of K-5 Grade Math, Algebra II, Chemistry, Algebra I, Biology, Pre-Algebra, Geometry, 6-8 Grade Science, STEM Project, and Medicine / Health.


Sofia is a sophomore at Stanford University pursuing a degree in Bioengineering and notation in Science Communication while on the pre-medical track. Sofia’s passion for pediatric oncology drives her to set her sights on becoming a physician-scientist while diving into her enthusiasm for molecular biology, chemistry, and science communication. In high school, Sofia spent her free time running the children’s art-cart in the NICU of Oregon Health and Science University, captaining the varsity softball team, and entering ceramic art competitions. She was first exposed to children’s cancer research through a local nonprofit, gaining valuable hands-on wet lab and computation experience as a full-time research assistant. Sofia continued this passion by participating in the Pediatric Oncology Student Training (POST) Program, devoting this past summer to analyzing gene expression data, caring for cancer cell-lines, and conducting scientific experiments. The generous and kind-hearted mentors that have driven Sofia’s scientific journey inspire her to “pay-it-forward” by reassuring other young and bright scientists that they, too, belong in science. Recently, Sofia walked 100 miles and fundraised with Alex’s Lemonade Stand for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and is excited about volunteering at HELP4Kids to spread health education to local middle-school classrooms. She is also enthusiastic about hiking, baking, and cool sea creatures.