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Theresa N.


When evaluating whether a mentor would be a good match for your student keep in mind that the greatest leading indicator of success is how well a mentor and their mentee get along.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Would the student find this person inspiring?
  • Do they share any interests, hobbies, or lived experiences?


- Present • Stanford UniversityStanford, California
I am passionate about mentoring students in the areas of Law / Government / Policy, Philosophy, Spanish, History Project, History, Creative Writing, Journalism, and Literature.

Theresa N. (IN A NUTSHELL)

A proud Coloradan, Theresa is a 2nd year Master in Public Policy student at Stanford University. She previously completed a Bachelor's with Honors in Iberian and Latin American Cultures and Public Policy at Stanford. A second-generation college student with Chicanx and Mexican heritage, Theresa is deeply committed to racial and economic justice within her own community and in higher education. While at Stanford she was on staff at the Women’s Community Center on campus and worked to sustain empowerment, justice and advocacy with and for students who identify as gender minorities. Additionally, she has spent over 6 years working with students and adults with Special Needs and disabilities providing at-home care, support in the classroom, and coaching in adapted sports teams and swim lessons. Previously she attended high school at a Jesuit, all-girls school where she graduated Salutatorian and with recognition for her Leadership and Service. She has three sisters whom she adores and like virtually all Coloradans, she loves being outdoors: hiking, running, swimming, picnicking, hammocking, gardening, playing with puppies, and looking at the stars.