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Yves-Achille C.

majoring in History and Literature • class of 2025


When evaluating whether a mentor would be a good match for your student keep in mind that the greatest leading indicator of success is how well a mentor and their mentee get along.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Would the student find this person inspiring?
  • Do they share any interests, hobbies, or lived experiences?


- 2025 • Harvard UniversityCambridge, Massachusetts
I am passionate about mentoring students in the areas of Writing, History Project, Literature, and History.

Yves-Achille C. (IN A NUTSHELL)

Yves is pursuing a major in History with a minor in Economics at Harvard University. He attended high school at Trinity School in NYC, where he also participated in various teaching initiatives. Some of his extracurriculars include basketball (both organized and pick-up), chess, and community service projects.